The History
1940s - 1950s
1970 – 2011
2011 - 2021
Present Day
The Winchester Repeating Arms Company opens a factory in Newhallville, attracting thousands of black families migrating from the South who buy and build homes and start businesses of their own.
The federal government passes new housing and highways laws which develop the suburbs surrounding New Haven, but the Federal Housing Administration and Banks together prevent black families from being able to move.
Factories fall into decline leaving Newhallville residents with limited jobs. Family savings are wiped out by layoffs. Poverty increases. Some homeowners become renters while some hold onto their homes. Community solidarity deepens.
U.S. Courts allow school funding to be based on property values, making it harder for Newhallville children to access education and jobs. This exacerbates poverty cycles and pushes home ownership further out of financial reach.
The Foreclosure Crisis hits working class Newhallville hard and deepens racial inequality. Property values fall and Families lose their homes. Corporations buy properties for cheap and become the landlords of the neighborhood.
New Haven experiences a real estate boom. As property values rise, investor-landlords in Newhallville raise rents beyond the reach of many residents. A typical house has 2 - 3 apartments owned by a corporation instead of a resident.
Unless the families can become home owners, gentrification will push out the working class and essential workers among us, leaving only the wealthy and destroying our sense of history and community.