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We are a community that fosters meaningful relationships and gathers people to worship God together in daily life. 


The good news of Jesus is fundamentally relational. Jesus gathered followers “that they might be with him.” He invites us into a relationship with him and with one another. After Jesus invokes the language of Jubilee to describe his mission, he creates a community and establishes a framework for his followers to fellowship with one another in the places to which they are called. 


In New Haven, it is easy to live isolated, without meaningful connections to one's neighborhood. This isolation makes it difficult to stay connected to God or to develop life-giving relationships with others. This lack of connection makes it difficult to truly love our neighbors as Jesus commands us to do. 


Jubilee New Haven fosters meaningful relationships among neighbors and gathers people to worship God in their daily lives. This builds on a foundation that has already been laid by Borden House residents living as intentional participants in the neighborhood of Newhallville by simple service and hospitality. This has included hosting neighborhood basketball games, fire pits, and block parties. 


Thus, instead of isolation and a lack of connection, we strive to create a vibrant Christ-centered community rooted in local neighborhoods. 


First Sunday Dinner.png

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.”

Acts 2:46-47

“Borden House has been life changing. Before I met this community, I was lost spiritually
and was going through one of the worst times in my life. Thanks to this community, I was able to get back on my feet and hope for a better future for myself. Borden House to me is more than community--it is family.”
Josh T.JPG


If you are interested in living with us in intentional Christian community or if you would like to join our community events, we would love to hear from you. 

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