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We create spaces where neighbors, friends, and people from across Newhallville and all of New Haven can worship God together.


We are made to worship. Our hearts are wired to give our lives to something or someone greater than ourselves. David Foster Wallace said, “Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship.” What we worship determines the shape of our lives. 


In the Christian story, our deepest longings find their fulfillment in Jesus. Our hearts find their deepest joy in worshipping God with our lives. But this is not some solitary and ethereal endeavor. To worship God is to live out the calling of Jesus to love one another and love our neighbors. It’s deeply relational, and deeply connected to our passion to live out our calling in our city, to pray that God’s kingdom might come in New Haven as it is in heaven.


In order to pursue this vision, we create spaces where neighbors and friends and people from across Newhallville and all of New Haven can worship God together. This often looks like gathering in our living room or in our backyard to sing songs of worship to Jesus, to eat food together and delight in God’s beauty seen in the gospel and reflected in one another. 


In the hyper-segregated world of New Haven, these are spaces where people gather who are often separated by the social, economic, and racial barriers that persist in our city. Together, we gather as equals at the foot of the cross--as Jesus’ love breaks through to bind us together. God brings unity and equal standing where the world has created hierarchies, and he also brings a celebration of diversity where the world has created uniformity. 


Worship night summer 2021 from front.jpeg

“Let us realize that as we struggle for righteousness we do not struggle alone, but God struggles with us. The God that we not merely a self-knowing God, but an other-loving God. He is working through history for the establishment of his kingdom.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.


If you are interested in joining our community events, shoot us a message by filling out this form. 

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© 2024 Jubilee New Haven | Website by Christian Creates

Borden Ministries d/b/a Jubilee New Haven is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN: 83-0726065

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